
Kieutie Pie vs. Imposter Syndrome - Enamel Pins

Created by Kieu Le

Mix & match animal imposters trying to become enamel pins.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Some pins received and sorting now!
6 months ago – Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 12:17:20 AM

The first batch of pins has arrived! 

I should have the rest of the designs next week, but in the meantime I will be shipping out what I can, when I can! 

Everything SHOULD be here by Wondercon, so if any locals are interested in local pickup at the event or afterwards instead of shipping, please let me know and I can plan in advance.

Here's a peek at the current work station. I set my tables up where I could watch the aquariums and tv for breaks from sorting:

The takeout containers are what come with me to shows, and bigger bins are how I store the rest of the pins for online/restock. 

As promised, I have also been busy working on everyone's thank you notes. If you named a favorite animal in the survey, keep an eye out for my sketch on your order form! I really appreciated and enjoyed reading the notes from those of you that wrote them. <3 <3 <3

Pins & Surveys Updates
7 months ago – Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 06:48:48 PM

Thank you for your patience and for filling out your surveys! 

  • Pins will likely ship in March - Some pins needed some colors tweaked and are being revised.  
  • THANK YOU to the 85% of backers who have filled out the survey! 
  • I will lock surveys Monday, February 5th. If you have not filled it out yet or need to update anything, please do so before then.

Here's a peek at a glittery flying fox! 

This photo does have a minor photoshop touch up - in the first sample he had white enamel in between his wings and head, but they looked distracting so those spots will be recessed metal instead. 

PS - Apologies for the January silence. There were some family emergencies and real life issues. Should be able to get back on track for February.

  • I have 2 shows to prep for this month - UVSA Tet Festival in Costa Mesa, and Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle! If you're at either event come say hi! 
  • I plan to pre-prep Kickstarter shipments as much as possible so I'll be writing your order form thank you notes & sketches this month between shows. I'm excited to see what animals you list in the survey! 
  • It's been a while since I've done a Kickstarter and ordered a lot of new designs all at once. I'm looking forward to the arrival of all these shiny new faces even more than I realized. Thank you again for supporting this campaign and giving me something to hope for!

Survey Update and Story #6
8 months ago – Tue, Jan 02, 2024 at 08:51:43 PM

Happy New Year!

Thank you for your patience. I had hoped things would be ready to go earlier, but the Kickstarter funds did not come through until today. I have sent some funds to the factory to get started while we finalize quantities. 

Surveys should be coming out in the next few days! I noticed an issue with Kickstarter add-ons not showing up correctly in BackerKit but hopefully that will be fixed soon.

Unlock Story # 6

Rex just wanted to be a good parent but he felt he was never good enough. He looked for examples of what to do and tried so hard to be everyone else. Roo knew Rex didn’t need props or disguises, his constant worries weren’t serving him well. She saw his kind heart and desire to be better and told him it’s ok to just be himself!

Funding Update and story #5
9 months ago – Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 04:04:25 AM

Thank you so much for helping to fund all these new pin designs. It is a huge relief to know there is interest in the designs before placing a huge order and it would have taken me so long to try to self fund it all. This project was pretty personal to me and I had so many doubts and anxiety attacks along the way because sometimes sharing is scary! I sincerely appreciate your support in making my little dreams a reality. I really couldn't have done this without you! <3

What's Next?

  • Kickstarter is working on collecting all the funds before transferring them to me. For this part, please update your billing info if required, but if all is well then just wait a bit! =} 
  • Keep an eye out for BackerKit surveys later this week. I am working on filling this out for everyone but it's taking me a bit! There's a lot of pin designs, and I like that their surveys have pictures for each selection, so it should be easier to fill out. 

Unlock #5

Cocoa Bunny was still struggling to find somebunny to love and never saw suitors looking his way. A charmingly commanding walrus caught his attention and the bunny chewing carrots found new inspiration. Cocoa Bunny was so intent on imitating the walrus, he never noticed he also had admirers adoringly copying him!

3 Days left! Unlock update & Story #3 & #4
9 months ago – Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 01:26:13 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.